Addiction Recovery: Seven Great Art Project Ideas

A drawing is created when paint is added to a non-dried background and shaded with a sponge or a wide brush. In this way, it is convenient to draw sunrises and sunsets, as well as the coloring of animals. This exercise develops imagination, relieve emotional stress. For the color splashing technique, use a comb, brush, or toothbrush. Bright splashes will help express seasonal changes (leaf color changes, wind direction).

Painting and drawing are very popular forms of art therapy, as there is no wrong way to put feelings onto a canvas. For example, let’s say you had a painful experience during your time using substances. This experience has held you down for years, and it was difficult to get through it and seek help. Others around you may have had similar experiences, but no one will have yours. Still, this can be a great opportunity to share your art with others and discuss it together. Others on the path toward recovery are looking to provide support to their peers, and art therapy can be a tool that prevents those from feeling ashamed of their emotions and experiences.


Whether their identity struggles are related to childhood trauma, unresolved loss, or a life transition, the Identity Collage art therapy activity can help them explore who they are. Because it’s collage, it’s super accessible for most clients and there is a lot of versatility in terms of what kind of prompt and materials you provide. People struggling with addiction can benefit greatly from art therapy. Art therapy offers a way to work through some of the 12 Steps. A big part of the 12 Steps is self-reflection which art therapy facilitates. Art making can help make some of the abstract ideas addressed in the 12 Steps, such as denial, acceptance, and faith, more tangible.

recovery painting ideas

Drawing on crumpled paper art therapy ideas. Crumple a sheet of paper, tear off the edges in the form of an oval or circle. In the middle, create a drawing on any topic. Exercise trains the imagination, helps to overcome stress.

Creativity for Addiction Recovery?

I hope these art therapy ideas and activities have inspired you. If you’d like to incorporate artistic self-expression into your inner work practice, Oxford House Recovery Homes: Characteristics and Effectiveness PMC see our soulwork coloring book. There are so many benefits of art therapy that it’s worth taking the time to dabble and experiment.

While drawing on paper, simultaneously imagine what it might look like in real life. Now come up with 5 adjectives that suit him and draw them. After that, come up with 5 more adjectives that do not fit, and draw them too. Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy based on creativity and self-expression. The approach is used as a means to relieve stress, increase self-esteem and awareness, and for post-traumatic recovery aims.

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